24 May 2007

How much perspectives change

It has been a while for sure since I have had anything interesting to post. I don't lead a terribly exciting life nor am I a connected-obsessed individual with an exaggerated sense of self that needs to Twitter my every move or that believes my life is that entertaining enough to share, as some other segments do. But I recently misplaced my cell phone, and the pain made me reflect on how much my perspective on cell phone ownership has changed over the last ten years - which I did think would be interesting for the three of you who look at this blog to read. Here are the details of my transformation:

  • 1997: "You have a pager? What are you, like a Doctor or something? You must be a really important guy. OK, important guy (this was my friend Ricky, who is not that important), go buy me another Sam Adams."
  • 2000: "Fuck! I can't believe there aren't more pay phones around! Good thing I always shove all the loose change I have into my cup holder which spills on to my truck floor at which point I can scrounge around in the dark to find some nickels and a pay phone to call my girlfriend, who does in fact have a cell phone. Man, I drank too much Sierra Nevada."
  • 2001 (in Japan): "People are recording and emailing 60-second videos with their cell phones? I must have drank too many Umeshu sours."
  • 2002: "My new cell phone is so cool! This green monochrome screen tells me the time and how strong my cell phone signal is - which I just lost. Good thing my fiancee is right next to me. She should buy me another Tanqueray and tonic."
  • 2007: "I lost my cell phone. My boss normally texts me a few times a week. Oops. What time am I supposed to pick up my wife? Not sure. I could call her once I got to her office - if I only had my cell phone. Oh, and I have to return Billy's text message from 2 months ago when he was drunk hooking up with some girl @ 4 AM. Shoot. I wish my wife weren't pregnant so we could get some PBRs instead of having to go home and work on the bathroom (author's note (which is me): we are actually hiring out our bathroom)."

1 comment:

a l e x said...

This is how I find out Aki is pregnant...from reading your goddamn blog?! I guess I know now how much you value our last.fm friendship...0...or should I say i, since, apparently, our friendship was in my imagination? I guess I'll see you at Mike's funeral. I wonder if that last part was over the line. F#ck it. I already typed it, and if Rich thinks I'm going to backspace all the way back to "...imagination", he's got another thing coming. Is he going to get that this italicized part is an interior monologue? Maybe I shouldn't italicize the "i". Why did I even make a math joke? I barely passed high school geometry. Who am I trying to impress? I'm coming off like a nuerotic douche in this comment. I better delete it, and write something simple like, "Congratulations...assface."