04 March 2008

In the End, there is this only this truth

Happened upon this quote the other day. Depressing? Yes. True? Most definitely:

Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this, that you are dreadfully like other people.
This quote is attributed to James Russell Lowell, who apparently made a living as a "satirist". If only I were job hunting in the mid-1800s. He also was a poet, a diplomat and the first editor of The Atlantic. From its website, this journal is self-described as:
.....a brand founded upon and dedicated to ideas. At our core, we aspire to challenge and engage the nation's thought leaders by presenting new ideas and varied perspectives on major issues.
I am not smart enough to understand what this is saying, but does this translate to: a magazine that caters to high brow east coast intellectual bullshit?

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